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Healthy Dog Bone - The Better Bone - Natural Dog Bone

  • 1 min read

Dog Bones... But Better - The Better Bone

Simply put, we care about your dog and the planet. We are the only bone that is better for both. Made from 100% sustainable, and 2 all natural ingredients. Our innovative material is non-splintering, hypoallergenic, and made completely from cellulose & vegetable oil.

This material has been in the making for roughly 15 years and has been a favorite of the furry dog employees in our factory for that same time. You're right that the BetterBone may be new to the market but it is not new to being chewed on by dogs of all ages and sizes. Check out the ridges and nubs that really satiate your dogs need to chew all while cleaning above the gum line.

BetterBone dental cleaning nubs dog bonedog bone dental cleaning ridges betterbone

We pair this innovative material with an ergonomic and dental cleaning design to provide what we think and what many of our customers think of as the best new dog bone product to enter the market ever. 


We have not only improved upon the dog bone but improved upon the stick that your dog loves to chew on. Our aim is to provide the healthiest, safest, most sustainable, and trusted alternative to the current less than savory dog bones.

small size betterbone dog bone dog chewCheck out the betterbone here! 

