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BetterBone Ingredients: Your Ultimate Guide to Natural, Food-Grade, Sustainable, and CO2 Emission-Reducing Dog Chews

  • 4 min read

Welcome to the ultimate guide on BetterBone, the leading provider of natural, sustainable, and CO2 emission-reducing dog chews. In this comprehensive blog, we will explore the various aspects that make BetterBone stand out in the market. From their use of food-grade ingredients like PEFC Cellulose and renewable vegetable oil to their commitment to measuring CO2 emissions through third-party Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs), we'll delve into how BetterBone is revolutionizing the dog chew industry with their holistic approach to sustainability and pet well-being.

  1. The Benefits of Food-Grade Ingredients: Exploring the Versatility of Cellulose: When it comes to choosing dog chews, the use of food-grade ingredients is paramount for ensuring the health and safety of our furry friends. BetterBone understands this and has incorporated an innovative and natural ingredient known as PEFC cellulose in their dog chews.

Cellulose is a fine powder derived from finely ground vegetable or plant particles, has been used in various human food products for many years. Its versatility and desirable properties make it a popular choice among food manufacturers. cellulose acts as a natural thickener, stabilizer, and binder, enhancing texture, consistency, and structural integrity in a wide range of food products.

Cellulose is commonly used in the production of baked goods such as bread, cakes, and pastries. Its presence contributes to the moistness, texture, and overall quality of these products. Cellulose flour is also utilized in soups, sauces, and gravies as a natural thickening agent, replacing the need for artificial additives.

In addition to baked goods and savory dishes, cellulose flour finds application in the production of breakfast cereals, snack bars, and granola. Its fibrous nature adds bulk and texture, while its neutral taste allows other ingredients to shine. Cellulose is also used in the manufacturing of gluten-free products, providing structure and improving the sensory experience for individuals with dietary restrictions.

Safety and regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have thoroughly assessed cellulose flour and have determined it to be safe for human consumption. These organizations have established strict guidelines to ensure the purity and quality of cellulose as a food-grade ingredient.

Moreover, the cellulose flour used by BetterBone is sourced from sustainably managed forests, adhering to responsible forestry practices and certifications such as the PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification). This ensures that the cellulose used is harvested in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner, minimizing the impact on ecosystems and promoting forest conservation.

By incorporating cellulose  into their dog chews, BetterBone offers a natural, durable, and safe chewing experience for pets. The cellulose mimics the texture and satisfaction of chewing on bones while being gentle on teeth and gums. Furthermore, the sustainable sourcing of cellulose aligns with BetterBone's commitment to environmental stewardship, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

  1. Renewable Vegetable Oil: A Sustainable Solution for BetterBone: In addition to their use of cellulose, BetterBone takes sustainability a step further with the incorporation of renewable vegetable oil in their dog chews. This innovative ingredient not only provides numerous benefits but also contributes to a reduced carbon footprint.

Vegetable oil is derived from the pressing of vegetable stalks, a renewable resource that regrows quickly and requires minimal resources for cultivation. By utilizing vegetable oil, BetterBone ensures that their dog chews are free from non-renewable resources like petroleum-based ingredients.

Furthermore, vegetable oil is known for its natural durability, making it an ideal choice for creating long-lasting and satisfying dog chews. It offers a resilient texture that can withstand the chewing habits of even the most enthusiastic dogs.

The use of vegetable oil in BetterBone products aligns with their commitment to environmental sustainability. By utilizing a renewable resource, they help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and minimize their carbon footprint, ultimately contributing to a cleaner and greener planet.

  1. Measuring CO2 Emissions: BetterBone's Commitment to Sustainability: At BetterBone, sustainability is not just a buzzword—it's a core value that guides their every decision. As part of their commitment to reducing environmental impact, BetterBone conducts third-party Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) to measure CO2 emissions throughout their manufacturing process.

LCAs provide a comprehensive analysis of a product's environmental impact, including its carbon footprint. By evaluating emissions from raw material extraction to product disposal, BetterBone gains valuable insights into areas where they can further optimize their processes and reduce their carbon footprint.

By measuring CO2 emissions, BetterBone takes accountability for their environmental impact. This data-driven approach allows them to identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to reduce their carbon emissions, ensuring a more sustainable and eco-friendly manufacturing process.

  1. The Future of Natural and Sustainable Dog Chews: As the demand for natural and sustainable pet products continues to grow, BetterBone is at the forefront of providing innovative solutions that prioritize the health and well-being of pets and the planet. With their commitment to food-grade ingredients, sustainable sourcing, and CO2 emission reduction, BetterBone is setting new industry standards for natural and eco-friendly dog chews.

By choosing BetterBone, pet owners can feel confident that they are providing their furry companions with safe and durable dog chews. The use of food-grade ingredients like PEFC cellulose and renewable vegetable oil ensures that pets can enjoy a satisfying chewing experience while minimizing exposure to harmful substances.

Furthermore, our dedication to measuring CO2 emissions through third-party LCAs demonstrates their commitment to transparency and continuous improvement. By striving to reduce their carbon footprint, BetterBone is paving the way for a more sustainable future in the pet industry.

BetterBone remains dedicated to producing natural, sustainable, and CO2 emission-reducing dog chews that prioritize the well-being of pets and the planet. By incorporating food-grade ingredients like PEFC cellulose and renewable vegetable oil, BetterBone offers a safe and enjoyable chewing experience for dogs. Their commitment to measuring CO2 emissions through third-party LCAs underscores their dedication to environmental sustainability.

When choosing dog chews, opt for BetterBone—your trusted partner in providing your furry friends with natural, durable, and eco-friendly chewing options. By making conscious choices for our pets, we contribute to a greener and healthier world for all.
